Impact Strategy

Your impact strategy is a personalized step by step roadmap to design, measure, interpret, and share your social impact. Together, we discuss your impact purpose, how you plan to carry out your social impact and strategize the best ways to measure and share your accomplishments.

Here’s what’s included


Impact Strategy

Take a deeper look at what needs to take place to achieve your brand mission.

Impact Data Map

Gain a unique comprehensive data framework that prepares your socially minded organization for lean impact measurement and management.


Three Month Investment


To be paid monthly


Full Payment

A 3-month impact process that includes refining your impact thesis map, identifying essential indicators, metrics, and questions that align with your brand’s mission. During our impact sessions, we’ll also identify how and when you’ll collect and measure your impact. Your impact strategy package also includes six 1-1 strategy sessions and five iterations of your impact strategy guide and impact data map.

 If you need an extended plan or looking for something specific, reach out to us to coordinate.




Impact Measurement